[X4U] Re: Looking For A Good Black-and-white Laser Printer

Sean Collins sean at hogheaven.com
Wed Mar 9 04:49:33 PST 2005

>From: Allan Hise <allan at hise.org>
>Is there anything comparable with an ethernet port?

I missed most of this thread, so I don't know if this has been 
mentioned or not.

Apples old Lasewwriters are fully supported in OS X, and you can find 
them pretty cheap.  I got a Laswewriter Pro 630 from a university 
surplus sale for $25. It worked but needed a good cleaning. 
Eventually replaced the rubber rollers & pickups, which I got off 
ebay for $35

Pure plug-n-play, recognized right off the bat by OS X.  Plugged in 
via ethernet, so it's available to all 4 computers on my network. 
Fast, quiet and excellent print quality.

Has been in service now for 2+ years w/out problems.

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