On 3/9/05 6:52 AM, "Mark Phillips" <mark at mophilly.com> wrote: > QuickFill transactions that match the downloaded items is the best I > have found in Quicken. This will match the payee text on incoming > transactions. It will handle items with regular payee text, like the > utility payments. Even with this, any new items are not categorized. yes - this sounds promising - can you explain a little bit more of how this works? - Are you saying that if I set a new Quick fill transaction to equal the name of an imported transaction - that it will work correctly? - Does the name have to be exactly the same every time - or can it just be close? - or are there other criteria that have to match? > > I have not found a way to assign a group of transaction to a category. > Perhaps someone else has a solution. > > hth, > > Mark Phillips > Mophilly & Associates > On the web at http://www.mophilly.com > On the phone at 619 444-9210 -- Thanks - RevDave CoolCat at hostalive.com [db-lists]