[X4U] Software for uploading photos

Kansas Territory kansast at mac.com
Thu Mar 10 11:32:33 PST 2005

On Mar 10, 2005, at 7:52 AM, Aranzazu wrote:

>> Don't know of any software .... but a simple form and some php code 
>> can handle this for you.
>> depending on the server which your site is hosted..  thumbnails and 
>> resizing of images could be done on the fly after the picture is 
>> uploaded as well.
> You wouldn't happen to know that code would you. i am actually looking 
> to add something like that to my site.

if your webserver uses PHP  I can send you a sample form and the php 
code required to make it work.     If you want resizing of images on 
the fly,  The webserver needs the ImageMagic (sp?)  command line tools 
installed.. specifically the "convert" command.


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