Moving iPhoto Library (Re: [X4U] cause of kernel panics?)

Allan Hise allan at
Fri Mar 18 00:02:24 PST 2005

On Wed, 16 Mar 2005, Richard Gilmore wrote:

> I'll give that a try. What my problem is, is that I'm a photographer and
> I've got over 7000 photos in iPhoto and it's eating up my hard drive like
> there's no tomorrow and I'm taking more pictures than ever. I've got a Linux
> box with a 200GB hard drive that I've networked to my laptop which I move
> stuff to regularly but most of my space is used up by the iPhoto library. Is
> there a way to move the library to the Linux machine and still be able to
> use iPhoto? Otherwise I'm just going to run into low space issues over and
> over and over.

There is a program called iPhoto Buddy (check that will let
you specify different iPhoto Libraries. I think you can use it to copy
your iPhoto Library to a different drive (like our linux network share)
and iPhoto will then see the library there.

I haven#t tried this, but probably will since I am running low on disk
space as well. (I'm at 4000 pictures separated into 3 libraries to improve


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