[X4U] Re: Defragmentation, was Cause of kernel panics

PoolMouse poolmouse_nyc at mac.com
Sat Mar 19 10:45:42 PST 2005

Keith Whaley <keith_w at dslextreme.com> wrote:

>Tom Miller wrote:
>>  On 3/19/05, at 5:07 AM, Keith Whaley, <keith_w at dslextreme.com> said:
>  >> Eventually, if nothing changes in  how you operate your
>>>  particular setup, the larger storage space will eventually
>  >> become - comparatively speaking - as filled up with a jumble
>  >> of fragments of files and such as the smaller drive was.
>>>  Just takes longer. No?
>>  No, the 160 gig HD of my current Mac won't come close to getting full
>>  before I replace it in several years with one that has a one 
>>terabyte (?) HD.
>>  Tom Miller
>I understand.
>The fragmentation of files situation doesn't go away, it ceases to exist
>in the form of "a problem," because it never causes any performance hit.
>Good way to look at it, if that's strictly true.
>In other words, if it's not causing a deterioration of performance, it
>can be ignored and doesn't need to be "fixed."
>keith whaley

keith, you're spending too much time focusing on the esoteric 
"problems". if you took a close look at the bsd subsystem, you'll 
find more important problems that aren't really problems - unless you 
focus enough on them to let it take up a lot of your time.

get a bigger drive, move on.


don montalvo, nyc

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