This is one for all you printing experts. I have an iMac G5, 10.3.8 and MS Word X (2001). My daughter had highlighted a number of words in different colors for a high school Spanish paper. When she tried to print it out, the words which should have been green came out gray. Without a clue as to what I was doing, I opened the Printer Setup Utility, selected my Canon i850 printer, cleaned the heads, checked ink levels , and printed out a test page. Everything seemed fine, but it still didn't print the green words. I then opened ColorSync for the i850, selected Profile First Aid, ran verify profiles. It reported that 14 profiles needed repair, so I ran "repair." It reported that all had been repaired so I tried to print the page again. Voila! The page printed correctly and I looked like an Apple Genius to my daughter. A few minutes later she tried to print another copy and it was back to gray again. This time ColorSync didn't do anything when I tried it. No profiles needed repair, but it was still printing gray instead of green words. And that's where I am now. Does anyone have a suggestion? Thank you. Dave Glassman