[X4U] Adobe Apps crashing..

Tim Kinsella timk at iapc.net
Mon Mar 21 10:07:49 PST 2005

Anyone have any idea why all my Adobe apps (Mostly CS, but even PS7) 
are crashing on launch?
Everything else works fine, Quark, Suitcase, Mail, browsers, etc. 
etc... But no Acrobat, Illustrator, InDesign

They work fine if I log into another test account name.

I've trashed every preference/.plist I can find related to Adobe in my 
Home directories...(since they launch fine under 'testaccount' user, 
I'm assuming it's an issue in my 'tim' home directory...right?)

The crash box, (.. report to Apple?..)  shows a bunch of stuff, but 
this (below) caught my eye. Why does the path mention MacOSClassic at 
all for PhotoshopCS??

Command: Adobe Photoshop CS
Path:    /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CS/Adobe Photoshop 
CS.app/Contents/MacOSClassic/Adobe Photoshop CS
Version: 8.0 (8.0x119) (8.0)
PID:     391
Thread:  0

Exception:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)
Codes:      KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE (0x0002) at 0x00000033

I ran DiskWarrior 3 & it mentioned Volume Information problems "which 
could cause applications to behave badly " (or words to that effect!!)
So it repaired & replaced the directory, but...  some symptoms.

Any words of wisdom would be great.



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