The Mac OS X Conversion Kit: 9 to 10 Side by Side by Scott Kelby (published by Peachpit Press) seems like the book you're looking for. There is a Jaguar edition and a Panther edition. Obviously I recommend the Jaguar edition for your buddy's mother, since that's what she's using. I question why he upgraded her to Jaguar instead of Panther, but maybe there's some pertinent info I don't have (she uses a Mac that supports Jaguar but not Panther, etc.) Here's an link, which may break: < 1-24/ref=sr_1_24/104-7403475-9135922?v=glance&s=books> On 3/24/05 9:27 AM, Jeff Porten <civitan at> wrote: > Buddy of mine just upgraded his mother from OS 9 to Jaguar (.2.8). > Looking for a good overview manual that covers the differences in the > OS. Target audience is whip-smart and will be unhappy with a book that > treats her like an idiot, but also treats her Mac as a tool and doesn't > care to know more. > > Would prefer a book written for Jag that we can pick up used, so if you > have a title you're recommending, please include edition/year. No > reason to make this more complex than it needs to be on her end.