[X4U] OT: accessing old floppy disks

Jim Freeman jpfreeman at mac.com
Thu Mar 24 18:10:07 PST 2005

Yes, he knows. The 1.4 mg floppies where just a way for him to get the 
data onto his computer. He will burn CDs and keep the files on his HD.


On 24-Mar-05, at 8:47 PM, Stroller wrote:

> On Mar 24, 2005, at 8:40 pm, Jim Freeman wrote:
>> ...
>> Copied data to hard drive and then back onto 1.4 meg floppies. His 
>> current Mac has an external floppy drive that takes 1.4 meg disks.
>> Problem solved.
> Until in X years time he needs to access data currently stored on 
> floppies. Might you gently suggest at this stage he transfers his 
> entire floppy collection to CD, twice, and the BURN THE DAMN THINGS!
> Stroller.

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