[X4U] Repairing permissions

Nick Scalise nickscalise at mac.com
Fri Mar 25 08:27:03 PST 2005

On Mar 25, 2005, at 7:13 AM, FC Farwell wrote:

> I have a friends G4 cube who when we repair permissions from the admin 
> account. one of the users accounts permissions is messed up and causes 
> problems. Ive verified that this users permissions are different then 
> the rest starting with their main folders - Desktop, Documents Library 
> and so forth). But repairing permissions does not fix them for the 
> user. What do I do?

I believe that Repair Permissions does not affect User folders 
permissions. Only folders that the System is in control of 
/Applications, /Library, /System, etc are repaired.

If a user has bad permisssions in their personal folders, you probably 
have to fix them by hand, using either the terminal or a GUI app like 

Good luck.
Nick Scalise
nickscalise at mac.com

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