[X4U] Another iPhoto Question

Keith Whaley keith_w at dslextreme.com
Wed Mar 30 10:33:41 PST 2005

Richard Gilmore wrote:

> I just got my iMac G5 20 inch! Woo Hoo! 

Oh my! A 20" screen! Is it LCD or CRT?

> I've sucessfully transferred all my
> files over from my G4 now I'm starting to use iPhoto 5 and I cannot figure
> how to import my photos from Sony digital camera. In iPhoto 4 I would plug
> the camera in and it would launch automatically and there would be the
> import button and it would say Sony Digital Camera but iPhoto 5 doesn't
> appear to work that way. When I plug the camera in it launches the same way
> but there is no import button I can see and nowhere could I find an import
> command. I can still drag the files off the camera but not directly into
> iPhoto 5. I must be missing something really obvious and stupid?

This question may be stupid too, but... have you searched the menu bar 
for "import?"
I'm temped to say, "But, there's GOT to be an "import" button!"
Sadly (or maybe not?) I only have Photoshop Elements 2.0...

> Also I noticed with the G5 that even when the computer is shut down there is
> still power coming from the Firewire ports. My G4 iMac did not do this is
> this normal?
> Thanx
> Richard 

If you'll help me buy a G5, I'll research the problem for you!  <g>

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