[X4U] Anyone know why Safari won't load this page?

DZ-Jay dz at caribe.net
Mon Nov 7 02:44:42 PST 2005

On Nov 7, 2005, at 05:18, Eugene wrote:
> Stupid Windoze web mormon enabled HTML commenting within a frame,
> but forgot to disable HTML commenting.  Result: rest of the frame
> definition is incomplete, the HTML page is incomplete and invalid,
> and nothing except the title is viewable.

Yup, its not a "weird problem" at all, just a brain-dead 
"web-developer" weenie that probably only tested the page in IE ("It 
looks fine on my computer, I must have done it right!").

As Eugene said, here's the culprit within the HTML source:


It starts defining the frames, and after a few lines, it opens an HTML 
comment that is never closed.  Every browser worth its salt will ignore 
anything past that line ("The developer wanted a comment, lets give him 
a comment!"), and therefore, the page is not displayed.  IE, of course, 
tries to be holier than thou and figures "naaaw, he really didn't mean 
a comment, lets do something else".  This might sound like IE is better 
than the rest, but the problem with this tactic is that IE renders the 
page in whatever form _IT_ thinks is right, not necessarily how the 
developer meant it.  Then the developer just keeps on adding stupid 
things -- especially a weenie with little experience -- until it just 
"looks right", and you end up with a mess that only IE in its own li'l 
special way.

Ah, the importance of following W3C standards and good coding practices.


"The mills of the gods grind slowly, yet the grind exceeding small."

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