[X4U] Aperture as sleazy Apple hardware marketing ploy

Michael Winter winter at mac.com
Mon Nov 21 08:39:26 PST 2005

On Nov 21, 2005, at 9:08 AM, Milton van der Veen wrote:

> I try (as often as I remember) to always do a CR before the URL  so  
> it goes to the beginning of a line and, as long as the URL is not  
> too long, that usually helps. Of course, those on AOL need HTML  
> coding too, so I have a P.S. at the end of each message which lists  
> the AOL links.

Something else that helps is to put the URL between < and > . I don't  
know if its part of any RFC, but most mail programs will recognize it  
as indicating they should not put any spaces, line breaks, or  
anything else in the middle. That method seems to have fallen by the  
side as many newer mail programs have better (??) algorithms for  
detecting URLs and don't need to rely on explicit indicators.

And now, as you indicated, we're completely off topic.


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