[X4U] Tiger's Calculator.app no longer does percentages?

T.L. Miller tlmiller at mac.com
Sat Nov 26 16:36:50 PST 2005

On 11/26/05, at 7:05 PM, Neil lists at mac.com said:

>The reason your are confused is because "15% of" is the same thing as "0.15
>times,"  but the only time 15%=0.15 is when it is 15% of 1.0.   When your
>dinner bill comes to $127 do you leave a dime and a nickel as a 15% tip (ie.

There's no % key on my calculator, but to me it works quite well.

28.05 + .15 = 28.20
28.05 X .15 = 4.2075
28.05 x 1.15 = 32.2575

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