[X4U] New toy!

Charles Howse chowse at charter.net
Sun Nov 27 06:12:40 PST 2005

>> Date: Fri, 25 Nov 2005 14:38:17 -0500
>> From: Neil <Lists at mac.com>
>>>  I've done a little research, and it looks like there isn't anything I can
>>> do
>>>  if I want to encrypt the files on my Mac, and then decrypt them on a PC.
>> Can PGP Disk do that?
> Yes - and GPG (free).
> Since my last posts on GPG I've looked at the GUI extensions for it.
> They give you drag and drop encryption/decryption. I assume there
> will be similar for the PC.

Interesting, but, as it relates to my original post, this solution would
assume that PGP or GPG is installed on the Windows machine, correct?

At this point, I'm pretty well satisfied with a pass-phrase protected zip
file, since Windows has zip by default, and I have Stuffit.

As a test, I emailed a pass-phrase protected zip file to a friend, and
included the pass-phrase.  He was able to unlock the file on a brand new
installation of Windows XP.

Gotta remember to format my files for Windows, though.  It came out looking
kinda rough.  ;-)

[charles at larry:~]$ unixdos -h
UnixDos version 1.0.13 (C)1997-2002 Dave Ewart (davee at sungate.co.uk)
UnixDos is part of the DosUnix project.

UnixDos converts files from Unix text format to DOS text format
by replacing each newline character with a carriage return and
line-feed pair.

$ unixdos oldfile.txt newfile.txt

or send a Windows-compatible file type, like MS Word.

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