For technical (read that as math or science) writing the best choice is LaTeX. This software is a typesetting system that produces "camera ready copy" for publishing. (Ask your Windows friends how they use Word/Office to produce ligatures for fi, fl, ffl, etc.) One of the best TeX systems available is TeXShop on OS X using TeTeX. See: TeXShop: TeTeX: I did a book in Word long ago - typesetting was a nightmare. I switched: My second book (and third and ...) was done with LaTeX -- I'll never go back. Bill ______________________________________ Wm C Bauldry, PhD Professor and Chairperson Department of Mathematical Sciences Appalachian State University 121 Bodenheimer Dr Boone, NC 28608-2092 _____________________ phone: (828) 262-3050 fax: (828) 265-8617 mailto:BauldryWC at ______________________________________