[X4U] PDA for Mac

alexandre mac.k at a2k.ch
Sat Oct 8 04:17:30 PDT 2005

On 6 oct. 05, at 18:21, Colt Freeman wrote:

> Hey,
> I’ve just sold my last generation iBook for around $800 not too  
> shabby, and I’m trying to get rid of my D70 and lens’ so I can get  
> some extra cash to upgrade to the Cannon 20D. But I’d also like to  
> get a PDA to replace the functionality of the iBook, what it needs  
> to do:
>     802.11 Wireless
>     Bluetooth (would be nice, not necessary)
>     256 min ram (Application and otherwise)
>     CF Card slot
>     As for Processor I’m not sure what speed is normal now
>     Price wise: Less than $500 ($300 something would be nice)
>     Fairly decent color screen so that I can preview my photo’s  
> (Landscape would be nice not necessary)
>     OS: Whichever matches these specs and plays nice with my G5  
> running Tiger
>     Case: Either the actual PDA case or an aftermarket one that can  
> withstand a bit of abuse
>     Upgradeable: I may end up wanting to get an external keyboard  
> for it, or if I can find one of those thumb keyboards they had a  
> few years ago... (I had an old Casio E series)

i'm not a pda specialist, even though i've had a couple of palms…
the other day on gizmodo they reviewed the dell axim x51v, it has  
everything you're looking for, but… it's a dell.

check out this link for more stuff:


:: 12" 867mhz powerbook/ 640mb / 80gb / X.4.2 ::

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