[X4U] QT 7.0.3 installer crashes

Xavier Noria fxn at hashref.com
Wed Oct 12 13:06:31 PDT 2005

On Oct 12, 2005, at 21:21, Xavier Noria wrote:

> I got the .dmg from MacUpdate. After the dialog that warns the user  
> the computer will need a restart the installation itself starts,  
> but less than a second later the installer just disappears.  
> Permissions have been repaired.

Console.app shows an error:

Oct 12 22:02:22 conway sudo:     root : user NOT in sudoers ;  
TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=fxn ; COMMAND=/Volumes/QuickTime 7.0.3/ 

That's true, root is not in sudoers:

     % sudo cat /private/etc/sudoers
     fxn ALL=(ALL) ALL
     Defaults:ALL timestamp_timeout=0

I think I touched sudoers some months ago. Should root be there, or  
is the installer buggy assuming that?

-- fxn

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