[X4U] Emails incomplete

Addie Teagardin adtea at indy.rr.com
Mon Oct 17 15:06:00 PDT 2005

On 10/17/05 4:37 PM, "Peter Saint James" <peterstj at earthlink.net> wrote:

> On 16 Oct 2005, at 6:36 PM, Addie Teagardin wrote:
>> Here's a related Mail issue: some of my emails will not scroll for
>> the whole
>> message to show unless  I hit reply and open the email.
>              This happens to me every once in a while (maybe ones is
> a couple of hundred messages) and not just from AOLers.  I can
> usually get it by moving back one message then forward to the erring
> one again.  It usually fixes itself when loading into the preview
> screen the second time.
>                                              Peter

I appreciate that information, Peter. While I haven't checked to see if the
emails have generally come from aol when this occurs, I know that not all of
them have. What they do seem to have in common (although I'd have to
double-check this) is that they are forwarding another email.

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