[X4U] itunes and de-authorizing computer

Kunga Kunga at FutureMedia.org
Tue Oct 18 02:04:42 PDT 2005

Don't get me started. Apple's scheme is flawed. I supposedly had all  
my computers de-authorized so I could reauthorize what I have and it  
did not work.
Taylor Barcroft http://www.blogger.com/profile/11159903
New Media Publisher, Editor, Video Journalist, Podcaster, Futurecaster
Santa Cruz CA, Beach of the Silicon Valley
URL http://FutureMedia.org
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On Oct 18, 2005, at 1:31 AM, alexandre wrote:

> hi
> as i've said in a previous post, i sold my powerbook 12"/867 over  
> the weekend. i'm now the happy owner of a second-hand 17"/1.5…  
> whao, what a screen!
> anyway, when i opened itunes 6 on the new computer, i was told i  
> was not allowed to listen to my purchased songs. needless to say, i  
> had not de-authorized my old computer before selling it…
> what do i need to do now?!

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