[X4U] OT: H.264 on Windows [correction: 3vix codec]

Neil Lists at mac.com
Tue Oct 18 21:57:37 PDT 2005

on 10/18/05 6:53 PM, Nick Scalise wrote:

> On Oct 18, 2005, at 2:44 PM, Neil wrote:
>> on 10/18/05 4:41 AM, Kunga wrote:
>>> Screw 3ivx. Encode from an iDVD image 320 x 240 10 fps 100 kbps with
>>> Handbrake. Your file is WAY TOO BIG.
>>> <http://handbrake.m0k.org/>
>> OK, I downloaded HandBrake, and I see how to set the data rate and  the frame
>> rate, but not the resolution.  There is no help file for the  program.   I
>> checked the (skimpy) on-line documentation and faq, but there  weren't any
>> clues there either.  How do I get DVD quality video down to  320x240?  I've
>> seen files in that resolution and I know that will be fuzzy, but  that's
>> better than choppy.
> 'Picture Settings' button in lower right of main window

Thanks Nick.  That little button is easy to miss.  It's the kind of thing
that really should be documented someplace.  I think the lower resolution is
the main factor in reducing the data rate of the file so that it's playable
on the slower PC.
>> As far as the frame rate goes, this is a Salsa dance video and has  a lot of
>> fast action.  Do you think ten frames per second is enough to  capture that?

I guess I might try that lower frame rate, but I doubt it will work because
this is the kind of video that he might want to watch in slow motion to
catch  some of the fast action.
>> Finally, did you mean 1,000 kbps instead of 100 in the data rate?   That
>> sounds ridiculously low, especially in light of the dance video  clips I've
>> just reviewed on my hard drive.  The files that looks good are all  over
>> 1,000 
>> kbps.  Thanks again for all your help,
> Pretty sure he meant 1000kbps, as that is the default too.

Now that I've tried the lower resolution at 300kbps, I think that 100kbps
could be reasonable if I only needed 10 frames per second and had to
conserve disk space.  But, the test file played fine on his PC at 300kbps
and 24fps, so that's what I'll use to encode the complete video.

Thanks again to Nick and Kunga. 

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