[X4U] G5 Fan Run Amok

Linda XPressoBean at mac.com
Fri Oct 21 14:45:40 PDT 2005

On 10/21/05 4:24 PM, Simon Forster wrote:

> Not going to argue - just letting Linda know what firmware I've got
> on my machine as a datum point. AFAICR, I've not done a firmware
> update so must have come with the system.

Likewise, my System Profiler reads 5.1.5f0, despite the fact that that Tech
Doc says I should have a uniprocessor... I don't! It's a dual 2GHz G5. I've
never updated the firmware, this is what Apple gave me. That Tech Doc might
be a little outdated.

I merely added my info since I'd posted in response to the original poster,
not having had the "jet plane" syndrome here. Well, I confess I did for a
day or two this summer, when it got to more than 90° in my office, but I
went to System Preferences > Energy Saver and reduced my processor
performance to Automatic and it calmed down...


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