[X4U] Re: Core Image and graphics cards

Eddie Hargreaves meged at earthlink.net
Tue Oct 25 08:50:56 PDT 2005

Graphics cards cannot be changed in iMacs or PowerBooks, so if Apple lists
"17- or 20-inch iMac G5 with a 1.8 GHz or faster PowerPC G5 processor" then
I think it's safe to assume that whatever graphics card is included will
work, albeit meeting only the minimum requirement. My guess is that it
Aperture will run incredibly slow on your early G5 iMac due to the low
amount of built-in VRAM. I would definitely try before you buy or wait for
reports to trickle out.

Eddie Hargreaves

On 10/25/05 8:22 AM, Andy Fragen <lists at thefragens.com> wrote:

> I saw the specs and then I looked at the graphics cards in the new iMacs
> and PowerBooks and none seem to match.
> I have a early G5 iMac and I really want to know if Aperture will run on it.

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