At 9:31 AM -0400 on 10/26/05, Peter Saint James spoke about Re: [X4U] Eudora upgrades (was Re: X4U Digest, Vol 14, Issu thusly: >The point is how are the resources, energy, and attention of the >company allocated and directed. Instead of hiring programers and >developers, they hire ad sales people. It is certainly true that to find companies willing to advertise through this medium, they have to have staff. Whether it is sales staff <emphasis on> instead of <emphasis off> programmers is not a given. >Instead of studying how the software works and what the users are >doing, they study advertisers. Again, it is not a given that doing one precludes doing the other. >Instead of talking about how to make a better app, their talking >about how to get more ads. Once again it is not a given that doing one precludes doing the other. >Instead of designing the app to work better, they design it show ads better. Once again it is not a given that doing one precludes doing the other. > Instead of the CEO dreaming about software, they dream about ad dollars. Once again it is not a given that doing one precludes doing the other. > Who pays the bills is important. Getting the bills paid at all is the challenge faced by everyone who creates things or sells services. --