[X4U] Re: Lack of sleep - What about widgets I wanna know

Germain M. affaires at vif.com
Thu Sep 1 19:52:43 PDT 2005

Hi, very interesting thread. I followed every part of it. But  
concerning the Widgets. What are the pros and cons? Do they eat so  
much ram? I use them at times cause they're ther but it's true if  
they weren't there, I wouldn't miss them that much. So where does lie  
the truth: keep them or remove them?


iMac G5/1.8 mhz/512 ram
Tiger 10.4.2 français

Le 05-09-01 à 18:54, John Baltutis a écrit :

>> 3. No way to turn off that stupid widget mess, and lets not forget  
>> that the
>>    feature shipped with a dangerous security hole.
> You haven't looked very far. Granted, it's not an Apple SysPrefs  
> setting,
> but you can disable it using the Terminal's default
> command-<http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php? 
> story=20050723123302403&query=disable+dashboard>
> has the details. There are even easy ways to disable journaling and
> Spotlight.
>> Those are just the issues I can think of off the top of my head.   
>> Thanks to
>> an unfortunate incident involving a dead hard drive I'm back to  
>> running
>> 10.3.9 and *MUCH* happier.
> Sorry for you loss. Glad you're smiling again.
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