[X4U] trouble with Java

wjsjlauffen at t-online.de wjsjlauffen at t-online.de
Tue Sep 6 21:59:24 PDT 2005


running 10.4.2 on B&WG3/733SonnetG4/640mb/ with all relavant updates. 
Now I am having trouble with Java. Certain Java windows, notably those 
running under https (my bank, Kagi) lock up  input entirely as long as 
the window is foremost; neither mousekeys nor numberpad work, so it is 
only possible to close the window by force quiting the ap. It makes no 
difference whether Camino 0.99.a2+, Safari 2.0.1, or iCab.
Suspecting the Java engine, I cleaned all caches and reinstalled Java 
142 using Pacifist. This did help yesterday, but this morning things 
are back where they were. The "culprit" windows do work on my iBook 800 
(2003)/384mb OS10.4.2 so that is the cause. Normal browsing causes no 
problems at all, neither with Camino - my default browser - nor Safari.
Does anyone have any ideas what I should repair or replace besides 
Java. The usual maintenance does not help.



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