When ever I try to burn a music CD (CD-R in iTunes) the burn fails and I get the following error message "The attempt to burn a disc failed. The device failed to calibrate the laser level for this type of media." When I go to burn a data disc (for back up puroses) it get "Sorry, the operation could not be completed because an unexpected error occured (Error code 0x8002006D)." This is the second time I have had to deal with this. The first time an OS upgrade fixxed the problem but now that I am running 10.4.2 from 10.2.8 the problem is back. Googling indicates this is a quality of media problem but I can't even open some previously burned discs. This is all on my Powerbook G4 with a MATSHITA DVD-R UJ-815. And all the discs that won't work in my machine work on my girlfriends 12" unit with the same burner (and she has burned far far far more discs than I). All of these leaves me convinced I have a driver problem, anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this? I need to be able to burn discs in the coming weeks. Thank you.