[X4U] Consumer Reports

Randy B.Singer randy at macattorney.com
Wed Sep 7 21:50:56 PDT 2005

RR said:

>The reviews tend to  
>be pretty superficial for my tastes.

Exactly.  And sometimes they are noticably unsophistocated.  For 
instance, when they review stereo hi-fi systems, they frequently get all 
caught up in the number of knobs a system has...the more the better in 
their view.  But the bells and whistles are irrelevant to how good the 
*sound* is, IMHO.  CR often misses that.

Their reveiws sound so superficial that you often don't know if their 
reviewers know anything about what they are testing.  Are they having 
newbies test both their Macs and PC's?  Are they having Windows users who 
have never used a Mac test their Macs?  There is no way to know because 
they don't say.

How can you trust their recommendations if you don't know anything about 
their reveiwers?

Randy B. Singer
Co-Author of: The Macintosh Bible (4th, 5th and 6th editions)

Routine OS X Maintenance and Generic Troubleshooting

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