[X4U] Consumer Reports

keith_w keith_w at dslextreme.com
Thu Sep 8 19:45:41 PDT 2005

David Flory wrote:

> On Sep 8, 2005, at 2:14 PM, keith_w wrote:
>> In light of which, I have a question.
>> I run Mac OS 10.3.9, and will be installing a brand new copy of MS  
>> Office 2004 in about a week.
>> Valid reason? My wife uses PC programs at work, and has decided she  
>> wants the ability to do some work-work on the home Mac.
>> So, back to having MS products on my Mac!  Sighhhh.

> Again I wonder why people swallow Microsoft's propaganda that you  have 
> to have Word to work with Word documents. There are several  pieces of 
> software that handle Word doc just fine. The one I use is  Nisus Writer 
> Express, but there are several others that read and  write Word files 
> quite well. Try one just say no to MS. Another that  just came to Mind 
> is Mariner Write (and Mariner Calc if you need to  work with Excel files.)

I dod use Mariner Write, but we also need PowerPoint. Do you know of any 
erzatz PP applications?
I will try Mariner Calc. Does it read and write to MS' Excel?



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