[X4U] Slightly Off Topic Question - Screen Resolution

eleventhvolume colin at eleventhvolume.com
Sun Sep 11 12:15:27 PDT 2005

Thanks for the prompt response Nick,

> Your boss's logic seems flawed. He says that apple would install a
> 1900x1200 screen if one was available. Obviously, one is available
> because Dell is using one.
Ah, but I failed to say that he's had the 17" Powerbook for 6 or more months
> I think Apple rightly used a somewhat lower resolution screen on
> thier 17" PowerBook to maintain usability for the widest gamut of
> users. I have seen those 1900x1200 resolution on 17" screens also,
> and they can be dificult to view.
It's really bad on the 15" Dells and of course switching to a lower-res
results in an unacceptable degree of blurring.

> Same goes for their 15" screens
> that use 1680x1050.
I think our new Dell 15" laptops do have a 1900 by something res screen, but
the Dell website refuses, at least initially, to supply such details. I'll
have to check when I'm next at work.
> Generally Apple uses a 106 PPI resolution on their panels. It seems a
> good balance between usability and resolution
Agreed, I like the 1280x854 resolution just fine. My problem is that I'm not
going to persuade him that this is a deliberate decision by Apple without
proof - any URLs in this regard from anybody would be much appreciated.

> Just because one 'can' do something doesn't make that a good reason
> 'to' do it.

Cheers, Colin.

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