> Recently purchased QuickSilver w/Tiger OS. Oddly, when booted in Tiger, > one of the three volumes on a firewire drive will not mount. When > booted in Panther, the volume mounts with no problem. > Disk Utility within Tiger will not mount the volume. > DiskWarrior 3.0.2 rebuilds the directory but says a Macintosh services > error keeps it from replacing the old directory. DW says boot from the > CD and rebuild again. I did that with success, but the volume still > will not mount under Tiger. > This does nothing to boost my confidence in Tiger; and I was skeptical > about it to start with. From the little I have seen of it, I see NO > improvement in performance over Panther. And it is not as intuitive or > as user-friendly as Panther is. At least, not in this brief window of > exposure I have seen. > > For the heck of it, I'm going to backup the Tiger-unmountable volume, > erase it, and restore it--just to see if that corrects the Tiger > hiccup. > > Meanwhile, has anyone else had this same problem with Tiger? > BTW, I have an identical FW drive of 3 identically sized volumes that > DOES mount under Tiger. > Are they Lacie FW drives? If so did you update their firmware? Andy