[X4U] Problems installing Epson DX3850 scanner/printer

Peter James pfjames at clara.co.uk
Thu Sep 22 02:36:25 PDT 2005

I purchased an Epson DX3850 scanner/printer/copier and attempted to  
install it.  But without success.  It would appear that I have  
purchased a Windows only device.
However, OS X recognises the  device and allows me to copy and print  
using a "generic gimp" printer driver.   Printing is very slow.
I did find an Epson web site that says that this printer can be  
installed on a Mac using "the Epson Postscript package", and that  
care must be taken not to install a "gimp" driver.  I  can find no  
mention of this package on the CD's that came with the printer, and a  
search of the Internet comes up with Postscript packages costing up  
to $90.  I can't afford this.
I did find, using "Spotlight"  mention of an Epson Driver Package on  
the HD at /Library/Receipts but I can not install it.  The package  
reports an error on trying to install.
I can't take the printer back to my supplier, as I've installed the  
ink reservoirs and printed a few documents, so the machine is  
obviously second hand now.
Can anyone help me.  I thought that maybe the  "gurus"  on this list  
might be able to help.  Thanks.

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