[X4U] Problems installing Epson DX3850 scanner/printer

John Baltutis baltwo at san.rr.com
Thu Sep 22 19:21:59 PDT 2005

On 09/22/05, Peter James <pfjames at clara.co.uk> wrote, among other things:

> I did find, using "Spotlight"  mention of an Epson Driver Package on
> the HD at /Library/Receipts but I can not install it.  The package
> reports an error on trying to install.

You can't install with a Receipt. That's just a file that indicates that
you installed the Epson print drivers when you installed your OS. I don't
know the Epson DX3850 scanner/printer/copier, but every one I have includes
stuff for the Mac on the accompanying CDs.

> I can't take the printer back to my supplier, as I've installed the
> ink reservoirs and printed a few documents, so the machine is
> obviously second hand now.

Humbug. The dealer sold you somethng that purportedly works on the Mac. If
it doesn't, he should help you fix it or refund your payment.

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