At my house - created a perfectly good working carbon clone copy of my Panther 10.3.9 - system on a Seagate external FireWire drive... - boosts perfectly well at my house ( G4 dual 1.25) - I took it to my friend's house and the drive showed up properly using his older Jaguar 10.2.8 system on his older Emac g4 700... - we were able to read and write from the drive - no problem - then we went to system preferences and chose the startup drive to be the external.... - problem: when we restarted - all that came up was a large circle with a slash through it - and the endless spinning cursor... Needless to say the drive never did boot-up... - personally - I have never seen this problem before... Any ideas have a get his computer to boot up on the external FireWire? -- Thanks - RevDave CoolCat at [db-lists]