Now that Apple is doing what they said they wouldn't do back in January (I don't remember the exact quote, but it was something akin to "we don't care if you run Windows on your Intel Mac, but we won't support it or spend our time enabling it"), the MacBook suddenly becomes more attractive to those of us who MUST use the Windows OS sometimes. Many people have struggled with synchronization solutions (subscribe to Mark/Space's Missing Sync winmobile talk listserv if you want to see a company struggling to contain the anger of customers who've "sort of" been promised a solution). Now Apple is making it possible for me to boot into Windows, use the Windows-only stuff I need occasionally, then go back to the OS I prefer. Sometimes the "Windows-only" nonsense can be blamed on lazy web developers who don't bother to use the web development environments that put cross-platform tools at their fingertips. They make sure their site looks OK in Internet Explorer 6 "or better" (if they really MEANT better, they wouldn't bother with IE in the first place), then put in code that prevents pages from loading into other browsers. Sometimes, however, the obstacles are greater; e.g., handheld applications that REQUIRE PocketPC and ActiveSync, or web products that require Crystal Reports or other Active X stuff for which there just IS no equivalent on the Mac OS. If Boot Camp solves that problem for me, there'll be a FedEX truck at my door with a MacBook within 48 hours. Why is this relevant to a general Mac user list? Because my sense is that Boot Camp offers hope for those of us who'd like access to our contacts, calendar, etc. from our handhelds, ESPECIALLY if those handhelds have to be Windows Mobile devices. I would be VERY appreciative if those of you with knowledge/experience in such matters could speculate or review for us how well a particular solution to the cross-platform synchronization works. Specifically, Entourage or Address Book to (a low cost Exchange Server). Alternative Exchange Server solution suggestions would be just as welcome. If I synchronize to, what can I carry from Entourage on the Mac? Categories? All-day events? Multiple addresses and phone numbers per contact? Custom event repeat schedules? I'd envision doing almost all my work in the Mac environment whenever I have my desktop or laptop computer available. I'd use an Intel MacBook to update the databases for PocketPC-only handheld applications such as ePocrates and UpToDate (THE best handheld OR desktop medical information source currently available). I'd use ActiveSync and Windows XP on the MacBook to keep my contacts and calendar current on the Windows Mobile device, assuming I could then get the data back into Entourage in the Mac OS. So, does anyone know yet whether ActiveSync works on a MacBook booted into Windows XP? And does anyone know about what does and doesn't work moving data between Entourage and Windows with as the intermediary? Thanks SO much, Jim Robertson __o _-\<,_ (*)/ (*) ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````` My other car is a Calfee --