[X4U] Implications of Boot Camp

Robert Ameeti robert at ameeti.net
Wed Apr 5 20:45:05 PDT 2006

At 3:09 PM -0400, 4/5/06, Jim Freeman wrote:

>In general I'm happy about the change, but might this not make 
>developers even more lazy? Why bother coming up with an OS X 
>solution when everyone can run windows anyway?

*Everyone* could always run Windows. This will only make it less of a 
hassle and faster. It will still not be eloquent.

Developers make a product due to demand. If users who choose to dual 
boot to have Windows continue to feel that a Mac product would be 
better, and they continue to make their cases heard, then the 
developers will continue to have an incentive to produce Mac 
software. This solution will not be for most Mac users thus the 
number of users that will be *satisfied* by dual booting will be very 
small. Most will still ask for a Mac version and many will only 
consider a Mac version.

Robert Ameeti

Everyone is a genius at least once a year. The real geniuses simply have their bright ideas closer together.
            -- Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

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