[X4U] Implications of Boot Camp

Robert Ameeti robert at ameeti.net
Thu Apr 6 20:08:54 PDT 2006

At 7:38 PM -0700, 4/6/06, Jim Robertson wrote:

>On 4/6/06 7:14 AM, "Stroller" <macmonster at myrealbox.com> wrote:
>>  there's no clear indication in your post
>>  that you need the Professional edition of XP over the Home edition.
>I know virtually nothing about the various flavors of XP. I bought XP Pro
>for two computers in our office because I read something that said that if
>there were more than five nodes on a network XP Pro was the better choice.
>If I have a laptop (MacBook Pro) that joins a network occasionally, but the
>network has 8-20 machines on it, and I configure the Windows partition to be
>a DHCP client of our DSL router, can it be running XP Home edition?

Boot Camp can use XP Pro or XP Home. The hack of a few weeks ago must 
use XP Pro.

If you are going to need to join a Domain (a workgroup that is 
centrally authenticated by a domain controller), then you need XP 
Pro. If you are just going to join a workgroup of computers (10 or 
less), then you can use XP Home.

XP Pro has additional features that make it a worthy OS over the Home version.

>Is XP Pro better configured to avoid infections?

It is not Pro or Home but rather the SP2 update for either that is 
better against infections.

>I've asked as many people as I had time to today about their experiences
>with viruses and spyware. One person told me he had a computer on his office
>LAN that Ad-Aware claimed to find 1400 spyware executables running on. Is
>that possible?

Sure it. They probably weren't all executables but rather malware 
files and registry keys, etc.

>Hearing these stories, I'm amazed that people just roll over and accept it.

They either must run Windows or they are scared to do something that 
the masses aren't doing.

Robert Ameeti

Reality is the leading cause of stress.

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