[X4U] Searching servers

Eddie Hargreaves meged at earthlink.net
Tue Aug 8 09:07:05 PDT 2006

On 8/8/06 6:23 AM, Mark Des Cotes <mark at astroprinting.com> wrote:

> We're using Mac OS 10.4.6. We have a Windows 2003 Server as our file
> server that we connect to using afp: For some reason I can't find any
> files on it with Spotlight. I can see the files there but absolutely
> nothing shows up in the Spotlight window. Why is that? I used to be
> able to search it without any problems using  the "Find" command in
> 10.3.9.

Welcome to the world of 10.4 and its awesome Spotlight function which allows
you to "Find anything, anywhere, fast." (Note: I'm being sarcastic)

What works for me if I want to search Windows servers in Tiger is to open
the server in the Finder and then type the keyword(s) in the search window
of the Finder toolbar. Once the search starts, I ensure that the volume or
"Servers" button is depressed in the location submenu.

However, I connect via smb, and I don't know if that doesn't work via afp,
since Apple has been moving away from afp. But for sure don't use the
Spotlight menu for searching servers.

Eddie Hargreaves

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