On Aug 8, 2006, at 5:15 PM, Michael J. Prevost wrote: > > > Surprisingly little list chatter on the announcements that came out > of Job's keynote at the WWDC. > > What are people thoughts on Leopard's upcoming features like Time > Machine? Do you buy into the numbers that Steve gave regarding > people who actually perform backups (26% do backups of some sort, > but only 4% do regular, tool assisted backup). > > Think this will put Dantz outta business? > > The Widget-builder Dashcode looks great too, don't you think? LOL I'm one of those people.. who knows damn good and well, I'm supposed to back up etc.. and I make sure all my work on my computer at work is backed up daily.. but at home.. I make periodic back up of "certain" files etc.. but not nearly as often as I should. Once I have Time Machine, I will go out and buy me some big drive to use for that very purpose. I can already think of some good uses for Widget Builder as well. I also use my "Inbox" in mail as a sort of "To Do" list, So I look forward to the added features in MAIL as well. kansast