On 08/08/06, "Michael J. Prevost" <mprevost at dot4.com> wrote: > > Surprisingly little list chatter on the announcements that came out > of Job's keynote at the WWDC. Lots of stuff at MacInTouch and MacFixIt, two of my favorite sites. > > What are people thoughts on Leopard's upcoming features like Time > Machine? Do you buy into the numbers that Steve gave regarding people > who actually perform backups (26% do backups of some sort, but only > 4% do regular, tool assisted backup). I'd agree, based on moderating the Bombich Forums <http://forums.bombich.com/i > the past three years, primarily WRT to Carbon Copy Cloner and participating in the Tiger Forums at <http://discussions.apple.com/category.jspa?categoryID=177>. Time Machine appears to be the most useful feature demonstrated. The rest are mainly updates to currently available stuff, unless you're into eye candy or heavily into the music or video stuff. > > Think this will put Dantz outta business? Doubtful. > > The Widget-builder Dashcode looks great too, don't you think? If you're into widgets. I find them intrusive, sort of like the RSS technology. Just another toy and not really useful for computing. Just my 2¢.