at 11:41 AM -0400 8/21/06, Winston MacKelvie wrote: >Check if your iBook (G3? G4?) has Airport (or AP Express). Under About this Mac>More Info; or lift the keyboard and physically look (there is a connection wire that will be loose if no card is there). > >If no, you can buy an Airport card for G3 aftermarket or AP Express for later iBooks.. > You mean "Airport Extreme Clam* (not Express which is Apple's smaller Airport hardware for WiFi, USB printer and iTunes streaming) You want the correct terms when you're going shopping! The original Airport card is for older Macs. The Black Pismo was the first that could use it. It is 802.11B Airport Extreme is newer and faster 802.11G They are not interchangeable hardware. Both cards work well with WiFi hot spots. When you have Airport on and it detects an open signal, OS X asks you something like: "None of your trusted networks are available. Would you like to join ____?" Click yes and you're online. IIRC even the slower/older card is faster than broadband internet so you won't notice it unless you are sharing files on a intranet. ~Edie