[X4U] Re: Broken Pipe query

B.Cornett cornett at gol.com
Thu Aug 24 17:06:54 PDT 2006

Peter, et All
G'day! and Thanx for trying...but...

On Aug 24, 2006, at 11:53 AM, 
x4u-request at listserver.themacintoshguy.com wrote:
> Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2006 23:55:13 -0400
> From: Peter Apockotos
> Subject: Re: [X4U] Broken Pipe query
> To: "A place to discuss Mac OS X for the casual user."
> 	<x4u at listserver.themacintoshguy.com>
> Message-ID: <300F1867-AACE-4FA3-A3BE-13E065FBAC06 at gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed
> On Aug 21, 2006, at 10:50 PM, B.Cornett wrote:
>> Hi! to All
>> I've been having a problem (repeatable) with a certain downloaded
>> (from normal various places) named the Gizmo project's MacGizmo
>> that is an 18Mb .dmg file, which I am Not able to mount or use
>> a'tall, which when doubleclicked upon from the desktop to try
>> installing it invariably always just returns me a: 'Broken Pipe'
>> for an error of some type or flavour.
> Go directly to <http://www.gizmoproject.com/download.php>
> And this will only work on computers running Mac OS 10.3.9 or higher.

I had hoped that they had hungout another file DL to try, but
just was de javu again, and so, it does appear that something
is afowl on each of my X.3.9 Macs that I tried to mount the
.dmg file on and I'm still getting the 'Broken Pipe' error
(*any/all ideas/advise on this problem would be most helpful),
but I moved the DL'd file to an iBook366 FW with X.2.8 on it
and the file mounted fine there, sos copied the iBook mounted
file to a USB flashdrive and moved it over to the other Macs
without any other problems installed Gizmo(app yet untested)
with that lame workaround. -fyi- Not installed on X.2.8 :).

But, that still doesn't help in figureing out what's gone
wrong in X.3.9?, where?, and how to fix?, so Please Help.TIA

Also while here, would anyone have suggestions on Ear/Head/
Mic plugNplay(audio I/O plugs or USB) Sets(names, model#,
uRLs mucho appreciated) that work nicely with tested good
sound using Gizmo and/or Skype app on G3 Macs?

Respectful of GURUs
Bill Cornett

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