> This note seems concise to me: http://guides.macrumors.com/ > Matched_RAM_on_Intel_Macs > If it is correct then it is a very helpful synopsis. Interesting. I wonder if they tested the Mac Mini or some other Macs to come up with only 3-6% difference. Since the Mac Mini's GPU shares the RAM of the CPU memory bandwidth can more easily become a bottleneck. Under certain circumstances I would expect the difference to be a nearly 100% difference in performance, e. g. in gaming when both the CPU and the GPU access RAM massively. If something is very CPU centered and relatively low on memory access then you will not see much of a difference. The iMovie tests fall in that category, because even a slow memory bus can handle these requirements. It's like putting in a 100% faster HD and then doing something that is CPU-work. You will not notice the faster drive in such a situation. But you will when you do something that is hard on the HD. Björn