[X4U] Frequent Inadvertent Double Clicking

David R. Boag spikedds at bellsouth.net
Thu Aug 31 21:18:57 PDT 2006

I had actually already done that. It just said 3.0 on the mouse  
itself, but I'm running the 6.0 driver already. Any other ideas?
David R. Boag, DDS
spikedds at bellsouth.net

On Aug 31, 2006, at 9:03 AM, Simon Forster wrote:

> On 31 Aug 2006, at 13:38, David R. Boag wrote:
>> Just upgraded my G4 350 MHz Sawtooth to an Intel Mini Duo 1.66GHz/ 
>> 1.25GB RAM. I just transferred over my old G4's USB Apple  
>> Keyboard, and I'm using a USB Microshaft Intellimouse Explorer 3.0  
>> as my mouse. Obviously, the OS is new (10.4.7) and I did a new  
>> install and migrated over one of my users from the old machine  
>> after setting things up.
>> Ever since I started using the Mini, I will do a normal single  
>> click, and it will act as if I double clicked, when I didn't. I  
>> never had this problem on the G4. I have not tried another mouse  
>> yet as I don't have one available. I'd have to go buy one. Anyone  
>> seen this or know how to fix it? I really don't like the Apple  
>> mouse very much.
> You may want to check the driver for your mouse.
> <http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx? 
> FamilyID=5820da5e-2874-47a3-8f97-9bffaffeb1c3&DisplayLang=en>
> Simon Forster

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