[X4U] Re: iTunes authorization

Michael J. Prevost mprevost at dot4.com
Mon Dec 4 07:55:43 PST 2006

>Per Apple, the simple solution is to de-authorize all. My questions
>are: If I do that, do all the iTunes downloads also get rendered
>unplayable even after I reauthorize the machine to which they've been
>downloaded? And if so, is there any alternative to a mass de-

Since authorization to play your DRM protected tracks are ultimately 
flows from your Apple iTunes account, choosing to deauthorize all 
computers is not a problem or risk (I've done it a bunch of times 

Once all machines have been deauthorized, each machine that attempts 
to play a DRM track for the first time will seek authorization with 
Apple's servers. If your account is under the 5 machine limit, 
authorization is granted. Fast and nearly transparent.


Michael J. Prevost
Dot4, Inc.
Voice: 978-392-8860 x10
Fax:   978-392-8861
mprevost at dot4.com

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