[X4U] Apple Bluetooth Mice not connecting properly to 15" AlBook

Brett Conlon brett.conlon at sonydadc.com
Mon Dec 4 16:09:52 PST 2006

Hi all,

At work I use an Apple Bluetooth Mouse and Keyboard connected to my 15" 
AlBook running 10.4.6. It has been working great for me for quite some 
time. But in trying to connect a second spare Apple Bluetooth mouse at 
home all I get is the ability to click but the cursor won't move. I 
thought that perhaps I was getting some sort of freaky interference at 
home so I went back to work and I tried connecting it there but no luck. I 
even tried a few other Bluetooth mice kicking around and all have the same 
reaction - no movement but clicks OK. The mouse I was originally using 
fine at work still worked properly though.

I then mistakenly used the Bluetooth Explorer app from the Developer 
installer to completely empty my Bluetooth connection history list 
(including the current connections) and now I can't get any mice to work 
properly after connecting - just clicking works. The setup assistant 
reports that pairing with each of the mice I tested went OK. Connecting 
the Apple Bluetooth keyboard again went smoothly so the issue is just with 

I also tried deleting the com.apple.bluetooth.Plist file and rebooted.... 
no luck. Full shutdown and zapping of PRAM has had no effect.

The easy suggestion is to upgrade to 10.4.8 and see if that helps but I've 
been hesitant to go to 10.4.8 yet.

Your suggestions are most appreciated!



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