[X4U] Apple's user base geezers?

keith_w keith_w at dslextreme.com
Fri Dec 8 17:00:05 PST 2006

Thomas Noel wrote:
> On Dec 8, 2006, at 10:15 AM, keith_w wrote:
>> Thomas Noel wrote:
>>> Just what is the perceived problem with this supposed older base of 
>>> users? I am one of them, age 54, and I would note that this 
>>> demographic has the most disposable income. I have 5 Macs, 3 PCs, and 
>>> two Sun workstations served by 3 networked printers. And this is just 
>>> in my home! I bet Apple would love many more of me.
>> Hah! Demonstrably overkill, unless you have a family of 7!  <g>
>> I was just harrumph-ing until you added the *three* networked printers!
>> Or, have a home business...
>> keith whaley
> Two Mac laptops for self and spouse, two Mac desktops for same, one Mac 
> server running back-up, file services, mail, and DNS. One PC dedicated 
> to HIPPA compliant vpn connection to Med center on-line apps ( for 
> hard-working spouse). Two PCs for games etc when kids are in town. Sun 
> boxen to keep up Solaris skills just in case!
> One laser printer for cheap bulk printing and business correspondence, 
> one wide carriage Epson for photography hobby. One Brother AIO for fax 
> and business in my wife's home office.
> Seems perfectly reasonable to me. ; > )
> Tom

I just KNEW you had a reason!  ;-)
Thanks for the answer.
Much better than my making it up!

keith whaley

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