[X4U] Missing font in Safari

John Baltutis baltwo at san.rr.com
Mon Dec 18 13:12:36 PST 2006

On 12/18/06, Mark Des Cotes <mark at astroprinting.com> wrote:
> After last weeks thread about font management I decided to do a
> little house cleaning. I upgraded to Suitcase Fusion, emptied my User
> and Library Fonts folders and removed everything from my System Fonts
> folder except for; Geneva, Kayboard, LastResort, LucidaGrande and
> Monaco. I've used Suitcase to permanently activate; Courier,
> Helvetica, Symbol, Times and ZapfDingbats. I had a bit of problems
> with Mail defaulting to Helvetica Fractions so I deleted that font
> and all is now well in Mail. However, Safari still has some strange
> font problems. My home page is "http://www.apple.com/startpage/" The
> header and both sides of the window look fine, but the centre "Top
> Stories" section displays weird. The dates and titles are fine but
> the descriptions look like they're written in some foreign language.
> Does anyone know what font I need installed for that section to
> display correctly. BTW, the problem isn't just on Apples site it's
> just the easiest site to point you to.

Start with <http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=25486> and

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