[X4U] JVC Everio and the Mac.

Kevin Willis res19rmg at verizon.net
Tue Dec 19 16:16:01 PST 2006

On Dec 18, 2006, at 10:00 PM, Adrian Stubbs wrote:

> I bought a JVC Everio Camera in a hurry; needed it for a particular  
> event.  My old Canon zr10 broke again.
> The camera is fantastic for taking video and Its Mac compatible.   
> Should put quotes round that.  The software they supply doesn't  
> work and all I can do is drag their files on to my hard drive,  
> rename them and play them with quicktime.  I can't then edit them  
> in anything.   What do I have to do to make this camera  
> worthwhile... it seems to be designed for PC users wanting to dump  
> the files directly on to a DVD.
> Is there a free or low price way that I can use this camera without  
> a ton of pain or is there a similarly good camera that is firewire/ 
> mac compatible in the way I want... compatible with iMovie etc.
> -Adrian

I have the Everio Hard Disk Camcorder. It's not exactly "Plug and  
Play", but I got it to work. I connect the camcorder via USB and  
launch the application that comes with it. In the app., I go to file- 
 > load file and navigate through the camera to the file.  Once it is  
loaded, I save it as a DV stream.  That way I can drop it in to  
iMovie and take it from there. If you have any problems, let me know.  
I ain't no expert. but we might can help.

Good Luck,


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