[X4U] OS 9 question on Laserwriter 16/600 PS driver

John Richardson richards at spawar.navy.mil
Thu Feb 2 14:35:18 PST 2006

Hello Fabian/Daly,

Centronics (parallel) on one end to USB cable on the other is the connector.

If the connector translation is a problem please chime in. Otherwise,thanks
for the information.

John F. Richardson

-----Original Message-----
From: x4u-bounces at listserver.themacintoshguy.com
[mailto:x4u-bounces at listserver.themacintoshguy.com] On Behalf Of Fabian Fang
Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2006 3:28 PM
To: A place to discuss Mac OS X for the casual user.
Subject: Re: [X4U] OS 9 question on Laserwriter 16/600 PS driver

On Jan 31, 2006, at 2:45 PM, John Richardson wrote:

> OS9 9.0.4
> I co-worker has an Apple Laserwriter 16/600 PS printer that is not
> recognized by the chooser. He has the iMac CD's but the printer  
> seems to be
> a lot older than the iMac (which is one of the original all-in-one  
> iMacs)
> and he does not have any printer CD's. The printer was connected  
> via the
> network but the network was disabled. It is now connected to the  
> USB port
> via a hub but the issue exists if it is plugged directly into the  
> USB port.
> Any ideas?
> Note: The system is very old and did not break until management re- 
> arranged
> the network. Thus, one option is to get a new iMac and printer. So,  
> if that
> seems to be the best option, cast your vote for this option.

I have used two LaserWriter 16/600 PS printers with assorted Macs  
running OS 9,x, and all versions of OS X, with no problems at all.   
Drivers for the printer are included in all recent Mac OS.  There is  
no need to buy a new iMac, or other Macs, just to use the printer,  
because it works well with all Macs, new or old.

I am confused by your mention of its USB connections, directly and  
through a hub, because the LaserWriter 16/600 PS, as versatile as it  
is, does not have a USB port.

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